Sometimes a start-up calls on me to design their logo and brand identity. Here are a few examples of brands I've worked on and created.
These companies might not have survived or even received first round financing, but the work is valid, and I thoroughly enjoyed creating a brand they could be proud of.

Although I am NOT a drug user, or a smoker of cannabis, I DO have an appreciation for the pain relief and medical usage of these products which have been around for over 300 years in the traditional and alternative medicine space.
I did not design the cannapedia® logo, but I was given the most difficult task of making the founder happy, while creating guidelines for both the analog and digital worlds.
With that said, here are a few examples of what I created...

When the founder of Volt Mobility called on me to redesign his logo, I considered this a golden opportunity to work with a company that was attempting to create a grass-roots effort to protect our planet with e-vehicles.

Volt Mobility specializes in micro-mobility which is a fancy way of saying they provide e-vehicles —from e-scooters, to fat tired e-bikes- to electric cars.
Here are 6 fresh ideas that made it to round one.